"America's Middle Class Under Attack: A Warning from President Jefferson"

“America’s Middle Class Under Attack: A Warning from President Jefferson”

Fellow Americans,

In my day, we birthed a nation unlike any before—a republic of the people, by the people, for the people. A land where the citizenry was neither shackled to a king nor beholden to an aristocracy, but where a strong and thriving Middle Class would be the foundation of our democracy. It was the great promise of America, an experiment in self-government and prosperity, where men of toil and industry could rise—not as mere subjects, but as free and independent citizens.

Yet, as I cast my gaze upon the present age, I see that promise under siege. The Middle Class, once the backbone of the republic, now bends under the weight of forces more insidious than any tyrant of old—the Billionaire Class, the Modern-Day Illuminati.

The Tyranny of the Wealthy

In my time, we feared that foreign kings might steal our liberties. Today, it is not a king who threatens America—it is a small cabal of elites, those whose coffers overflow while the working man struggles to afford the bread on his table. These are the modern monarchs, ruling not by divine right but by financial manipulation, rigging the system to benefit themselves while proclaiming the virtues of the “free market.”

They have turned taxation into a tool of their own making—not a tax on their fortunes, but a tax on the people themselves, disguised as ‘Tariff Taxes’ that now inflate the cost of food, gas, and goods at the local market. What the British once did to our tea, these men now do to every staple of the working-class family, while they sip champagne in celebration of their ever-growing wealth.

And who suffers? The farmer, the laborer, the teacher, the veteran. The very people whose toil and sacrifice built this nation are now being cast aside like an old musket after a battle, no longer of use to those in power.

Dismantling the Safeguards of the Middle Class

When we built this country, we knew that unchecked power, whether of government or of wealth, was dangerous. And so we created institutions to protect the people from financial ruin—agencies meant to check the excesses of the powerful and ensure fairness in our markets.

Yet, what do we see today? One by one, those agencies are being dismantled, not to free the people, but to free the Billionaire Class from any constraint on their plundering. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, designed to shield Americans from predatory lending and financial fraud? Shut down. Unions, which gave workers the ability to negotiate a fair wage? Crippled. And now, with the stroke of a pen, they seek to undo Social Security and veterans’ benefits, as if those who labored and fought for this nation are nothing more than a burden upon the wealthy.

A Nation at a Crossroads

I have seen tyranny before. It does not always come wearing a crown—it comes in the form of economic chains, in a system where the worker is told to be grateful for scraps while the elite hoard the feast. And when a Middle Class disappears, so too does the republic itself.

The time for idle complaint is past. Let the people of America awaken to this great deception. Let them not be fooled by the bread and circuses of fear-mongering and distraction, by promises of economic renewal while their pockets are quietly emptied. Let them see the true enemy, not in the immigrant nor in the poor man seeking aid, but in those who rig the system for their own gain while feigning patriotism.

I did not refuse a crown so that a new class of monarchs could rise in my place. And you, the citizens of this great republic, must not allow them to complete their conquest.

America’s Middle Class must not go quietly into the night.