**"Thomas Jefferson to President Trump: A Betrayal of the People Who Love You Most"**

“Thomas Jefferson to President Trump: A Betrayal of the People Who Love You Most”

Mr. President,

I write to you today not as a relic of history, but as a defender of the principles upon which this great republic was founded. Though time has passed since my own tenure, the duty of every leader remains unchanged: to serve the people, not to plunder them. And yet, I see before me a course of action so grievous, so unfathomable, that I am compelled to break my silence.

Why, Mr. President, have you chosen to raise prescription drug prices on the seniors of Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee? These are the very people who have devoted their lives to building this nation, and more to the point, these are the very people who overwhelmingly cast their votes in your favor. They cheered for you, they trusted you, and now, in the twilight of their lives, you repay their loyalty with economic ruin?

I understand, Mr. President, that your campaigns have been waged on a battlefield of cultural wars. I have heard you speak of your disdain for immigrants, unless, of course, they resemble your wife or the Vice President’s. I have watched as you stood before every microphone and condemned those who come to this country seeking opportunity—unless, of course, they arrive with a hefty campaign check made out to your benefit. Your favoritism toward Billionaire immigrants like Elon Musk is no great secret, nor is your willingness to kneel before the modern-day Illuminati that now controls the levers of wealth and power.

But tell me, Mr. President, why must our seniors suffer for your billionaire alliances? Why must the great people of Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee—people of industry, people of honor—be reduced to choosing between food and medicine so that Big Pharma can enjoy even fatter profits? Have you so quickly cast aside the promises made to those who stood by you?

It is no mystery that your actions reek of repayment for campaign favors. Your great benefactors, the masters of modern finance and industry, demanded their tribute, and you have answered by robbing the weakest among us. If you believe this course will go unnoticed, if you believe history will judge your actions with kindness, let me assure you—it will not.

In my day, I refused the crown, for I knew that the moment a leader ceases to serve the people, he ceases to be worthy of their trust. But you, sir, have crowned the billionaires, anointed them as your ruling class, and declared their profits more sacred than the lives of those who gave you their unwavering support.

There are books titled What Would Jefferson Say? And today, I tell you plainly: to betray the most vulnerable, to plunder those who have stood with you, all for the favor of the elites—this is not leadership, Mr. President. It is tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson
Patriot, Founder, and Unwavering Defender of the Common Man