**Ron Swanson Commentary: "Why the Two Orders?"**

Ron Swanson Commentary: “Why the Two Orders?”

Now folks, I don’t often find myself quoting Tom Cruise — mainly because I avoid movies with too much talking and not enough woodworking — but there’s one film I’ve always admired: A Few Good Men.

If you haven’t seen it, here’s the gist: It’s a military courtroom drama where Tom Cruise, playing a hotshot lawyer, has to cut through a mountain of smoke, mirrors, and flat-out lies to expose the truth. The key moment? When Cruise corners Jack Nicholson’s character — the big-shot Colonel who’s been dodging the truth the entire movie — with one simple question:

“Why the two orders?”

That’s the question that unravels all the lies. The whole case hinges on it. Why issue two contradictory orders unless you’re covering something up?

And that’s exactly what’s on my mind when I look at what the Republicans are pulling with their so-called Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).

Now, they say all these federal job cuts and program slashes are to “eliminate waste and fraud” — to help the everyday taxpayer. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? But here’s the kicker — there’s no independent auditor to verify any of this. No proof, no receipts — just a bunch of politicians saying, “Trust us.”

Well, my momma always told me, “Don’t trust a stranger who asks for your wallet.” Seems like the GOP’s momma never taught them that.

But back to the question: “Why the two actions?”

Take one example — the rollback of Biden’s executive order to lower prescription drug prices for seniors. That order didn’t cost taxpayers a dime — it was simply Medicare and Medicaid negotiating better prices for the folks who need it most. It was a win for seniors and a win for common sense.

So why eliminate it?

That’s the first order — a completely unnecessary move that drives up costs for seniors.

Then comes the second order — turning around and using the so-called “waste and fraud savings” from DOGE not to reduce the deficit, not to invest in working Americans — but to hand out tax breaks to Billionaires.

Now tell me — why the two actions?

If the GOP’s war on federal programs was really about protecting the American taxpayer, wouldn’t they use those savings to reduce the deficit or improve public services? Why line the pockets of Billionaires instead?

It’s almost like… I don’t know… they’re intentionally squeezing the wallets of everyday Americans just to keep the champagne flowing for their buddies in the penthouses.

Why the two actions? Why the two actions?

I may not be a fancy lawyer like Tom Cruise, but I know a bad deal when I see one. The GOP isn’t cutting waste — they’re cutting the legs out from under working folks while their Billionaire buddies waltz off with the loot.

If you ask me, it’s time we stop listening to politicians who shout about “waste and fraud” while they’re robbing the Middle Class blind. Because when you follow the money, it’s clear this isn’t about efficiency — it’s about ensuring their donors can buy another yacht while your grandma pays triple for her medication.

So next time you hear a politician talking about their “efficiency cuts,” just ask yourself one thing:

Why the two actions?